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Liber Floridus


The Liber Floridus was copied several times in later centuries. None of these copies, however, are identical to the original - either texts have been omitted or they were put into a different order.

Partial copies


Derolez, A., The autograph manuscript of the Liber Floridus. A key to the Encyclopedia of Lambert of Saint-Omer, Corpus Christianorum Autographi Medii Aevi. Turnhout, Brepols, 1998.

Delisle, L., Notice sur les manuscrits du 'Liber Floridus' de Lambert, chanoine de Saint Omer, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1906.

Gumbert, J.P., Recherches sur le stemma des kopies du Liber Floridus, in A. Derolez, Liber Floridus Colloquium, Gent, 1973, p. 37-50.

Lieftinck, G.I., Observations codicologiques sur le groupe W des manuscrits du Liber Floridus, in A. Derolez, Liber Floridus Colloquium, Gent, 1973, p. 31-36.

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